To order the year 2000, 2001, or 2002 conference tapes, please
copy and paste this order form into an e-mail or word processor and print out,
then fill out the following:
The 2002 Tapes include:
$19.95 each
David Rudiak - "The Roswell Ramey Memo... Smoking Gun"
Dr. James W. Deardorff - "How the Aliens Maintain the Coverup...Meier
Bob Pratt - "UFO Terror in Brazil"
Wendelle Stevens - "Updates on Three ET Contact Cases"
Grant Cameron - "Wilbert Smith: Official Canadian UFO Study"
Antonio Huneeus - "UFO Chronicles: Chile and Beyond"
Linda Moulton Howe - "Updates on Crop Circles, Mutilations & Aztec,
Timothy Good - "Alien Perspectives: The 'Baby and the Bathwater'
Speakers Panel $19.95 each
Sunday Morning Mini-Sessions $19.95 each
2002 EP Set (Entire Conference on 3 Tapes)
Complete Conference (Best
Buy!) $75.00

Note: the 2000 and 2001 Tapes are available on a first-come,
first-served basis. Not all tapes are available.
The 2001 tapes include:
(please circle you choices)
$19.95 each
1.) Antonio Huneeus:
"UFO Chronicles: World Roundup"
2.) Linda Moulton Howe: "Mysterious Lights
and Crop Circles"
3.) Wendelle Stevens: "Continuing ET
Contacts Around the World"
4.) William Sherwood: "Science, Saucers and
Sacred Texts"
5.) Graham Sheppard: "Further Views From
the Flight Deck"
6.) John Schroeder: "Alien Technology and
Potential Scenario"
7.) Nancy Talbott: "Crop Circles and
Beyond: Searching for Hard Evidence"
8.) Timothy Good: "Is Earth An Alien
9.) Jim Sparks: "Star People"
10.) Speaker's Panel Discussion $19.95 each
11.) Sunday Morning Min-Sessions $19.95 each
12.) 2001 EP Set (Entire Conference on 3 tapes) $75.00

The 2000 tapes include:
(please circle your choices)
$19.95 each
Doe Kelly: "Crop
Circles and More"
Antonio Huneeus: "UFO
Chronicle: Chile, China and Beyond"
Forest Crawford: "Ufology:
Coming of Age in the New Millenium"
Dr. Roberta Fennig &
MelanieYoung: "A Psychiatrist's View of Alien Abduction"
Wendelle C. Stevens: "A
History of UFO Photos"
John Foster: "Eminent
Discovery: UFOs at the Core of Our Culture"
Jim Marrs: "UFOs, ETs
and Remote Viewing"
Norman Oliver: "A
Sitch in Time save Nine"
is correct, it is a pun on Zecharia Sitchin's name)
Speakers Panel Discussion
tape $19.95 each
Researcher's Mini-Sessions
tape $19.95 each
Complete Conference (Best
Buy!) $75.00

---Please make your check payable to:
Ozark UFO Conference Fund
---and mail to:
Ozark UFO Conference
#2 Caney Valley Drive
Plumerville, AR 72127-8725
Tapes for each individual speaker or for the
Mini-Sessions are $19.95 each including 4th class postage
The complete conference set for each year is $75.00
each including 4th class postage.
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